Shriram School warmly welcomes you to the primary section of our school. Our comprehensive curriculum coupled with a caring and purposeful ethos will ensure that our students will develop the academic and social skills necessary to prepare them for life-long learning. The ultimate aim is to make learning enjoyable and stimulating, in a safe and secure environment. Without feeling the load or burden, our students are cajoled to work hard to achieve results and later make the right choices of subjects for higher studies, and hobbies for a pleasurable recreation. Our well-chosen and qualified academic staff along with the support of specialised staff along with the help of resource material and computer-aided learning, upgraded from time to time, ensure that the educational experiences match the best in the country. We ensure that the spoken language is given equal importance to written work.
The productive partnership between home and school to share in the child’s achievements for further growth is given importance. When parents enter our school at their convenience, they are given immediate attention from our head of the school. Our Primary Wing ensures utmost care of each little cherub we welcome in our garden.